Algunas veces no es grato ser bueno. Ser bueno puede llegar a ser algo horrible. Y te lo digo sabiendo que quizá te parezca una afirmación muy contradictoria. Qué quiere Dios? El bien o que uno elija el camino del bien? Quizás el hombre que elige el mal es, en cierto modo, mejor que aquel a quien se le impone el bien.

jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010

Power Rangers ;)

Lo único qe se me viene a la cabeza en este momento es:

They've got a power and a force
that you've never seen before.
They've got the ability to morph
and to even up the score.
No one can ever take them down
the power lies on their side.

Go Go Power Rangers
Go Go Power Rangers
Go Go Power Rangers
Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

They know the fate of the world is lying in their hands.
They know to only use their weapons for defense.
No one will ever take them down,
the power lies on their side.

Go Go Power Rangers
Go Go Power Rangers
Go Go Power Rangers
You Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

No one can ever take them down
the power lies on their side.

Go Go Power Rangers
Go Go Power Rangers
Go Go Power Rangers
You Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers

Go Go Power Rangers
Go Go Power Rangers
Go Go Power Rangers

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